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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.


Europe’s Famous Hostels Brand Ambassador Program

Europe’s Famous Hostels Brand Ambassadors

Nearly every brand or association today has appointed individuals to help carry the name or mission. And EFH is no different. Our Brand Ambassador program helps hostels stay better connected not only to the association, but to each other.

With 39 independent hostels across Europe and Israel, having a dedicated EFH Brand Ambassador representing each hostel is vital to keep our connection strong and relevant. It’s also a way for staff to network and learn more about the industry, which is a bonus when it comes to career prospects. And while it might seem like an extra task with no renumeration, our Brand Ambassador program is rewarding in many other ways. So let’s get into it.


What are the Brand Ambassadors Expectations?

The last thing we want chosen Brand Ambassadors to think is that they have to dedicate a lot of additional time to the role. In essence, the role takes anywhere from 5-10 hours a month, depending on the current projects and meeting schedule. But even that estimation might be a little excessive at times. One of the most important expectations for Brand Ambassadors is to be the key contact in their hostel for both staff and guests. Hear of a guest naming an EFH destination as their next stop? That’s an opportunity for Brand Ambassadors to drop a ‘sales pitch’ for our

In addition, Brand Ambassadors are expected to distribute merchandise packages to staff, the hostel, and guests. The role really doesn’t entail much more than that. As stated earlier, the last thing we want is for staff to feel responsible for an additional task with no renumeration or reward.

What do Brand Ambassadors Get in Return?

Throughout the year, we launch a variety of campaigns in which Brand Ambassadors can participate. For example, campaigns can include travel to different countries and hostels on behalf of EFH. This is something which can be added to a CV, especially for those pursuing a future in content creation or project management.

But that’s not the only perk. EFH hosts 5 meetings across Europe and Israel each year, and our Brand Ambassadors are always invited! Destinations of each meeting are announced throughout the year, and everything but transportation is covered by our association.

Europe’s Famous Hostels Brand Ambassadors

Want to become a member, or learn more about Europe’s Famous Hostels? Click ici to access our contact info and inquiry form. Additionally, feel free to send us an email at [email protected]

For all the latest news at Famous Hostels, follow us or subscribe on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube.


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