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Vie nocturne à Prague

When in Prague, there is so much to do when the sun sets. The evening hours in Prague, pose many options for visitors for them to pass their time. The city is still not of the likes of Paris or Las Vegas but is certainly one that has plenty of choices to keep you busy at night time. If there is anything good about the Nightlife in Prague, it is that that everything good is affordable and the crowds are great fun.

Pubcrawl in Prague

Let’s get real and find a great Pubcrawl in Prague, right? The pubcrawl is a great way to meet people! Dive into the Prague’s legendary nightlife together with an international crowd of fellow travelers from across the world and highly motivated party guides.

Includes free unlimited drinks + free shots +VIP entrance to the club

Réservez dès maintenant et nous allons commencer la soirée a commencé !


The heart of Prague city has many cocktail bars for the elite and sophisticated. The Old Town Square hosts Tretter’s which has a classic atmosphere with friendly bartenders who are very well trained. The Bugsy’s and Zapa Bar is another hot favourite amongst locals and tourists alike. Right behind the famous TynChruch is the Tynska Bar where people like to relax and unwind while watching a good game.

The Cilibar, on Kozna 8 serves some of the very best Prague cocktails for unbelievably cheap prices. The smoky yet small bar area is cosy and is sure to keep you hooked for hours on end. It is here that one will find the tasty and the very best Daiquiri. If you like to dance or want to take your date to for a drink, then you should head out to SolidniNejisota. This place is quite close to the National Theatre. The Wencelas Square has the La Fabrique which lets you enjoy find food and drinks with some dancing.

If you want to dance

If you want to try something Czech oriented then the Meloun is perfect for your night. If you like to shake a leg, then you can check out some of the discos in the city. The Radost FX always has some of the most famous DJs form all over the world come and perform here. The dance floor is downstairs while the stairs take you to a very hip lounge with a classy vegetarian restaurant. The Karlovy Lazne club is not far off from the Charles Bridge has 3 different floors for dancing. During the summers, one can expect long line at this mega club. The Duplex club on the Wencelas Square main road has an elevator take you to the club. The Rolling Stones celebrated Mick Jagger’s 60th birthday here when they were touring Prague. This shows how well known the Vie nocturne à Prague really is around the world.

Many youngsters enjoy attending the 80s Friday nights hosted by the Lucerna Music Club in the same area. This club is pretty large and has high attendance numbers. The M1 Secret Lounge near the Old Town Square on Masna is a favourite hangout for the young lot. Many students come to party and have a gala time.

If you like jazz music or the blues, then you will find the live performances ta the U Maleho quite entertaining. The area where such bands perform is quite small and has some tables. The performance schedule is readily available on the Internet. It is best to book well in advance if you do want to go here as the place is much sought after.

For beer lovers

For beer lovers and those who love great food, there are many hang outs. The Pivovarskyand the U Vejvodu are quite popular with the locals here. The U Fleku is one of the oldest breweries in the world serves some great drinks. The waiters stroll around the seating area with trays of the finest drinks. Expect a big bill for later on but do enjoy your dinks while there. You might never get to see a 500 year treasured wine again.

Strip Clubs

The streets on the sides if the Wencelas Square have plenty of strip clubs and is also called the red light area of Prague. Many people come across pickpockets here, so it is better to be safe than sorry while walking the streets. It has been noted that many women will out of the blue come to men and ask for a hug. This is when they strike. For those travelling to Prague, the problem of pickpocketing is one which you may face anywhere.

Travellers must exchange any cash that they have at a local bank or at the hotel where they are staying It is probably better for one to avoid a kiosk for the Wencelas Square ones charge too much for the commission and the whole exchange will seem too much of a loss for you.

It is important for tourists to remember that the metro that goes underground remains closed after midnight. If you are roaming the city in the wee hours, it probably best for one to hire a cab to take them back to where they are staying.

The Nightlife in Prague is hot happening. If you like to party like there is no tomorrow, there are so many places you could hit with your gang. For a vacation, there is no place better to unwind.



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