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How to travel Alone – The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide

Are you planning a solo trip and need some ideas on how to travel alone? Check out the ultimate solo travel guide for tips you will certainly enjoy!

the ultimate solo travel guide


1. Organization is not a must-have

You probably already have some destinations in mind if you are considering traveling solo, and it is always good to have some things planned ahead. But an important thing to keep in mind is that, if you ever get bored or find new places you want to visit, a tip from this Ultimate Solo Travel Guide would be: change your plans! Also, you will probably find some friends along the way and if you want to join them canceling some previous plans is totally fine! After all, if everything is organized and predictable there is no fun!

The ultimate solo travel guide


2. Be proactive

When traveling solo you should never be afraid of anything! Try to enjoy your holiday as much as you can. And, if you do not want to spend all your time alone, making friends will be easy if you are not afraid to talk to people. You have to keep in mind that everybody is in the same boat as you are. Everyone is trying to meet new people and have some fun. And if you go to a party hostel that organizes group activities it will be incredibly easy to find travel buddies! Always join group activities, and talk to people and your adventure will be unforgettable!



3 – Use your time wisely

Again, if you try to be proactive and join some group activities it will be 100% better than staying in your room and just doing nothing. Also, try not to waste your time waiting. If you have a spare hour from one activity to another, look around and see if there is something fun to do around. Or, if you are moving from one city to another try to use public transportation at night, this way you will get some sleep and you will avoid the boredom of long bus or train rides. Ultimately, mastering time management is the best way to enjoy your time!


4 – Never look too touristy

The best way to befriend the locals, not waste time, and also, be a bit safer is to not look like a tourist. If you speak the local language, even better! But even if you do not, just try not to look too lost and you will still be fine.


5 – Live the local culture

One of the best parts of a solo trip is that since you are not staying with people from your country, you actually get the chance to get to know the local culture. Try the food. Do not eat fast food, you can do that at home. If you are in Seville, we actually have a nice food guide you might want to check out. And try to meet the locals, talk to them in bars, or in any place, you find yourself in really. They will teach you something about their culture without even noticing just by being themselves! And if you become friends with them, they will probably take you to some cool place you cannot find in a city guide.

the ultimate solo travel guide


6 – How not to get stressed

Spending so much time alone can be a little bit overwhelming, especially if you find yourself in difficult situations. But everyone struggles when they find themselves in a new place. There is no need to be tough on yourself. But, luckily, we got you covered in this Ultimate Solo Travel Guide! We have 12 apps for you that will make your trip extremely easier.

7 – Backpack!

Pack light! After all, you will always be carrying the luggage on your own, so you do not want to feel miserable because of the weight you have to carry. And the best way to do that is using a backpack. It is light, ergonomic, and if you have to walk up some stairs you will be thankful for not having to drag a massive suitcase around. If you want some advice on how to pack light, we have the ultimate packing guide for you. You will not regret reading it!

the ultimate solo travel guide


Bonus tip: Save up to 20% by traveling with FlixBus

We have a great deal for you! When planning your next trip, we highly recommend going by FlixBus which is one of the most in-demand companies when traveling. FlixBus is the best possible option combining comfort with wallet-friendly as well as environmentally friendly traveling.

Choosing to go by FlixBus you have the opportunity to participate in the Eco-Wanderer campaign et save up to 20% by choosing to travel sustainably and avoiding planes. Try our calculation tool to claim your discount!

And that’s not all… You can get a 10% discount on FlixBus tickets after signing up and 15% off your next rides after completing 3 trips with Eco-Wanderer!

Traveling with a Eurail ticket? Our calculator also has discounts on that. Your train travel kilometers will be converted into a discount of up to 20% at any Famous Hostel location!

How to travel Alone – The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide

We hope our Ultimate Solo Travel Guide told you everything you needed to know for your first, second, third, or whatever solo trip! If you’re looking for more information to help you plan, click ici. Our blog ranges from city & food guides, to travel tips, and more, all in an effort to inspire your next getaway. For all the latest news at Famous Hostels, follow us or subscribe on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube.


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