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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.



There are so many things to see and do in Stockholm, and one can be overwhelmed by where to start. Once you get away from all the obvious sight-seeing attractions, you wonder what else is there to see! If you are fed up being a tourist and want to explore how it is to be a local and try out new experiences off the beaten track, then these are 10 tips you do not want to miss! Let's walk? Book your

Valencia is sometimes called ‘little Barcelona’ because it has the Mediterranean Sea, good weather and is one of Spain’s most culturally interested cities, integrating the modern with the ancient. Go on a Free Walking Tour The best way to explore a city is getting into a free walking tour. Valencia is full of hidden gems and what the best way to expore it than with a local guide? You will get around the city and hear about all the stories about Valencia history

Fun Activities in Leipzig Just got to Leipzig and wondering what to do? Feeling a bit overwhelmed and don't know what to do yet? Don't worry, we got you! Five Elements Hostel offers plenty of regular events for you to join! Leipzig is a wonderful place to discover with loads of fun activities waiting for you! Leipzig activities a) Walking Tour We are big believers that the best way to explore a new city is by walking. That way, you can see main city

Rooftop Terraces and Why You Should Have a Look at Them Do you think there is something more pleasant than having your favorite cocktail with some good company? What about combining it with an excellent view from the top of the city? It sounds like something you can’t renounce to, doesn’t it?   The rooftop tendency has been around for a few years now, and it is spread all over the world. This is one of the greatest ways for saving space with

Tip #1: Arriving to Rome Most of the major airlines and budget carriers fly into Rome but because of the city’s year round popularity – you’ll find it difficult to find a cheap flight. The train is a far superior option in terms of price, frequency and the city centre drop off point – Stazione Centrale Roma Termini. Italy is covered by a fantastic network of high-speed trains, run by a company called Eurostar (it shares the name with the London

Top 10 Things to Do in Edinburgh Heading to Edinburgh and wondering what to do? From spooky castles to charming parks, our guide has it all. Read on to discover the best of the Scottish capital. Often described as the, "Athens of the North", Edinburgh is full of history and mysteries at every corner. For over 500 years, Edinburgh has stood tall as Scotland's arts and culture centre, despite its less than perfect weather. Its streets reflect traditional Scottish culture, with a

Jerusalem is not only a charming city to visit for its sights, but also it is rich in cuisine. The city offers plenty of mouth-watering homemade dishes, pastries, and sweets. Let's look into What to eat in Jerusalem so you can experience the city in all its gastronomic aspects! Knafeh This delicious Arab dish is made with orange layers of phyllo dough and goat cheese in its melted form. Knafeh together with a little bit of rosewater is a perfect combo for

Planning an LGBTQ+ friendly solo holiday but need some inspiration? We have 5 Ideas For Your LGBTQ+ Solo Holidays for your trip! If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, you know that enjoying the city's gay nightlife is the easiest way to guarantee you’ll have fun! And it’s not just about clubs and bars! When you visit a big city you get to enjoy gay neighborhoods, monuments dedicated to LGBT icons, museums, and so much more! That is why we want

A great area to go out and get silly in the bars and clubs in Copenhagen is Kødbyen, the old meat packing district. Book your Pubcrawl Tour in Copenhagen with us and experience the local bars with free drinks and VIP entrance! Here you'll find some of the city's best galleries and best bars, clubs, and wine bars. Together with the restaurants that are popping up in and around the area, Kødbyen has more entertainment than there are nights in the week. But

Top 16 Things to Do in Barcelona Heading to Sunny Barcelona and wondering what to do? The thriving destination welcomes countless tourists year after year, and it really delivers when it comes to diversity in activity! So, you're spending some time in Barcelona and you're looking for things to do. Luckily for you, there's plenty to sink your teeth into here. Craving some arts and culture? Check. How about some mouthwatering food? Check. And what about a dash of beach time? Check,

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