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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.



48 Hours in Munich Munich is Germany's 3rd largest city, but you can see all the top sights, even if you only have 48 hours. Munich is the capital of Bavaria, and is an exciting city for anyone who visits. And if you've travelled to other parts of the country, you'll notice a huge difference between other typical German cities and Munich. Famous for its gorgeous architecture, the renowned Oktoberfest, and several museums and landmarks, you'll have tons to see and do

Bikepacking Holland: Explore the Netherlands by Bike Looking to explore the Netherlands by bike? Bikepacking Holland is a new and amazing initiative geared towards making cycling a more accessible way to travel! You've definitely heard of backpacking, but what do you know about bikepacking? If your guess is that it's the same as backpacking, but with a bike, then you'd be correct! While it's not the fastest, there's no denying it's a cool and innovative way to travel. And while Europe as

Bratislava Food Guide Looking for the ultimate Bratislava Food guide? From traditional meals, to sweet dishes, and vegan and vegetarian options, you'll love the gastronomy options in the Slovakian capital. Hearty. Simple. Earthy. These words come to mind when sampling authentic Slovakian food. Slovakia is a country full of flat lowlands, Alpine mountains, and landscape perfect for wine production. And the landscape is reflected in the food, where you don't have strong spices or overwhelming exotic flavours. It's a simple kitchen, and

Here's our list with the best spots in the area for delicious and cheap meals Running out of ideas of what to cook while on the road, to stay on the cheap? We feel you. We made a list of Cheap Eats in Rotterdam to make it easy for you. Scroll down to find out more. 1. Hamburg - burgers & fries Location: Witte de Withstraat 94B, Rotterdam Opening hours: Sun to Thu 16:00 – 22:00; Fri & Sat 16:00 – 23:00 Going with a big

Top 16 Things to Do in Barcelona Heading to Sunny Barcelona and wondering what to do? The thriving destination welcomes countless tourists year after year, and it really delivers when it comes to diversity in activity! So, you're spending some time in Barcelona and you're looking for things to do. Luckily for you, there's plenty to sink your teeth into here. Craving some arts and culture? Check. How about some mouthwatering food? Check. And what about a dash of beach time? Check,

Rome is one of the most exciting and historically fascinating cities in the world, and a hugely popular location for gap year backpackers, especially those on InterRailing trips through Europe. The Italian capital does have a reputation for being a bit pricey, and as such many travellers shyaway. But with a little research you’ll quickly see that the Eternal City can easily be experienced on a budget – at least one relative to other cities in Western Europe. Go on a

Dreaming about your first gay-friendly travel? Check out our guide to the perfect Gay-Friendly Travel for the First Time Guide. Northern European countries have been known for being LGBTQ+ safe places for years now. There really could not be a better place to start your LGBTQ adventures. There are countless amazing spots in this region for a gay-friendly holiday! So check out our list of the best northern European destinations, we have some tips that will make your trip unforgettable! Stockholm, Sweden If

A great area to go out and get silly in the bars and clubs in Copenhagen is Kødbyen, the old meat packing district. Book your Pubcrawl Tour in Copenhagen with us and experience the local bars with free drinks and VIP entrance! Here you'll find some of the city's best galleries and best bars, clubs, and wine bars. Together with the restaurants that are popping up in and around the area, Kødbyen has more entertainment than there are nights in the week. But

1. The Porterhouse Let's start with the beer on offer at this Brewery pub - from session beer Porterhouse Red to the 7% Brain Blasta, the selection here is unrivalled. That's without even touching on the hundreds of bottled beers from around the world. The lunch and evening menus are first class (including a brilliant Irish Stew) and there's live music most nights. There's also good news for all the London-ites out there because they opened a sister-pub in Covent Garden

Barcelona has a bar and club for every night of the year, and many places have themes for every night of the week. Just like the ‘We Love Mondays’ theme at the Opium Bar, as well as the ironically called ‘Crappy Tuesday’ at the Apollo for instance. It is just about finding the perfect theme for you. During summer season, the bars and clubs in Barcelona become even more varied – with a lot of open air cinema, live DJs

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