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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.

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visit ljubljana !


Hostel Celica

Best hostel in Ljubljana, Slovenia

from 21€ per night 90% taux de satisfaction sur 953 commentaires

One-of-a-kind, artistically transformed from an old military prison into a funky hostel. Surrender and spend a night behind bars, and have fun while you’re at it! The most genuine experience in Hostel Celica is a stay in one of its prison cells. 20 former prison cells have been redesigned into private rooms with artistic concepts and unique stories. The hostel dorms ranges from 4-12 beds. Hostel Celica is a genuine jackpot however you look at it. It’s in the centre of the city, just...

Former Prison Hostel

Unique concept and story

Luscious breakfast

Où aller ensuite... from Ljubljana explorer d’autres destinations incontournables et parfaites pour les vrais routards...


Many backpackers travel through Slovenia on their way somewhere else or just pop by for a side quest. Sure, Ljubljana is one of the smallest capitals of Europe but this city with a big heart, packed with culture, history and a calendar full of fun activities will charm you swiftly. Add a fluorishing foodie scene and relaxed vibes and you get the unmistakable cosmpolitan aura. Ljubljana’s central location also makes the city a great headquarters while visiting other parts of Slovenia.

The city centre has long ago banished cars to make room for more outdoor cafes and restaurants, cultural events, open-air markets, bike lanes and shopping areas, therefore it is perfect for exploring on foot. The best way to get to know Ljubljana is to join the free walking tour that takes you all over the Old Town and dives into the stories and legends of the city. Check out the strange statues along the Ljubljanica River and explore some urban art in the cooler-than-cool Metelkova district. If city life gets to be too much, just head to the gigantic Tivoli park for a chilled out afternoon. And when you get tired of walking, you can catch the funicular up the hill to the Ljubljana Castle. Top tip: this hill is also the best place in the city to catch the sunset. After dark, you can grab a drink or get dinner in one of the many bars in the old town. And don’t forget to look out for dragons!

We tell you, the Ljubljana variety of dolce vita will come all over you, just give it a shot!

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