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Best Walking Tour Paris

Lieu : Paris Length: 2 hours 45 minutes Needed: Electronic voucher Langue : anglais

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What better way to visit a city than walking around? With a guided walking tour in Paris, you will discover the monuments that have made it so famous all over the world.


During this tour, you’ll visit the Tour Eiffel, the Notre Dame, the Louvre, and much more. Let’s walk with a local guide who will teach you the history and culture of the French capital!



Walking tour in Paris

Paris is considered one of the most romantic cities in the world, indeed is very visited by couples but not only. It’s much loved by tourists all over the world for being a city full of art, and culture, but you’ll also appreciate it for its cuisine.


The tour of Paris will start at the Hotel de la Ville, near the Seine. The first cultural sight you’ll visit will be the Louvre.



The Louvre

Pyramid Louvre



The Louvre Museum is one of the most important museums in the world and the most visited. It’s located in the Louvre Palace and you can have access through the Crystal Pyramid. This one is a reversed pyramid and it’s 7 meters high. The guide will explain to you the deep and symbolic meaning behind this pyramid.


Inside the museum, you will observe and contemplate thousands of works, paintings, and sculptures. There is a very large art collection that makes the Louvre, one of the best museums ever.


You don’t have to miss the Mona Lisa painting! It’s on display in the Salle of Etats, the museum’s largest room. While in the Red rooms, you can admire beautiful paintings such as the Coronation of Napoleon.


Arc de Triomphe


The next monument you will visit with the guide will be the Arc de Triomphe. But first, you will pass by the Jardin de Tuileries, the oldest park in Paris. This park, near the Louvre, is located in the heart of the French capital. It was commissioned by Caterina de Medici, and only after the French Revolution did it become a public park. This place is ideal if you want to relax!


The Arc de Triomphe represents one of the most beautiful architectural works. It’s located just near the Seine, and it’s one of the symbols of France. The guide will teach you some important historical facts about this arc. It’s a very important monument because it survived many wars and revolutions.



The Tour Eiffel


Tour Eiffel











The tour continues with a visit to the Tour Eiffel.


The Tour Eiffel is a tower made by Gustave Eiffel. It was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889. After this, it wasn’t dismantled and became the symbol of Paris.


You can climb the tower, and you can have a drink or have dinner. Indeed, there are bars and two restaurants on the tower. Dining with a view over all of Paris is a unique experience! In particular, during the evening, there are plays of lights and illuminations that make it even more spectacular.


Don’t forget to take a picture in front of the Tour Eiffel and discover the top 10 Instagram spots!



Notre Dame Cathedral

Lastly, you’ll visit the main church in Paris.


Notre Dame Cathedral is an old church with Gothic architecture. It’s located on Ile de la Cité, a small island in the Seine. It represents the heart of the French capital.


In 2019, due to a fire, it was damaged, and it’s currently under renovation. You will probably be able to see it from inside in 2024 on the occasion of the Olympic Games. Most of the statues and architecture survived the fire, and you can visit it from the outside. The guide will explain to you come curiosities about the statues, the bells, and the history of the facades.


Among the bells, Emmanuel is considered the most harmonic and melodic in Europe!


Must-see: the Moulin Rouge

The Moulin Rouge is the most elegant but also the liveliest place in Paris. It’s located in the Pigalle district, just a few minutes from Montmartre. This place is very appreciated by tourists for its amazing shows and music. It’s the most photographed attraction ever.


In the Moulin Rouge, you can attend a lot of shows and performances. Above all, the most particular is the can-can. This dance is performed by female dancers with long colourful skirts.


But the main show is the Feerie, a theatrical show with magic and fairy-tale elements.


You must have this experience!



More information

For this tour, you have to book to guarantee your spot! But if you can’t attend anymore the tour you can cancel the reservation, it’s free!

Où nous serons...

The tour will start at the Hotel de la Ville

Avant de vous rendre

English-speaking expert guide

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