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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.


Pub Crawl in Granada

Lieu : Grenade

Meilleure auberge en ville !Oasis Backpackers Hostels is located just steps away from the Alhambra and in the best area for bars and clubs. Rated as the top hostel in Granada, you won't want to miss out on their guest experience!

Looking for the best way to spend your nights in Granada? Create memories and meet fellow travelers from all over the world at our Pub Crawl in Granada, Spain.

granada pub crawl


“Why should I go on Oasis’ Pub Crawl in Granada?”

Oasis Backpackers Hostels Grenade is where you’ll discover the new generation of contemporary-styled backpackers. However, set in a traditional Andalusian building, Oasis Granada’s facilities set the perfect mood to make your Granada stay both comfortable and memorable.

From swinging your hips to La Bamba to Rosalia’s latest tunes, join us on a magic night.

The Legendary Pub Crawl in Granada!

  1. It’s actually a great way to meet people and explore this city. You will find lots of variety as we visit three music bars (with dance floors) during the tour.
  2. Also, you will enjoy free shots along the way.
  3. Last but not least, it also includes unlimited Sangria in the Hostel’s bar.


“When and where’s the meeting point for Granada’s Pub crawl?”

The meeting point for Oasis Hostel Granada Pub Crawl is at the Hostel reception by 10:30 pm, be down on time so you don’t miss on anything.

Party starts in the hostel with unlimited sangria and free shots!

“What is the price of the Pub Crawl in Granada?

The price of our Granada Pub crawl is 10€, and it includes entrance to three bars, free shots, and access to the club!

Providing that the entrance fee for a club in Granada is around 10€ alone, you are already winning by joining Granada’s Pub-crawl.

Besides saving money, you also get to spend your nights with people from all over the world and mingling with locals.

What else do you need to know?

Just come and get involved! Our guides ensure that you have an amazing night, making sure you get home safe. We actually understand that enjoying a night out in a strange city can be daunting, therefore you are in safe hands and are guaranteed to visit the best bars so you won’t miss a thing. Also, we’d kindly ask you to keep an eye on your pub crawl mates during this journey, since we’re all a big family of party animals!

Get your dancing shoes and be ready to party Spanish Style.

pub crawl granada efh

Où nous serons...

Looking for the best way to spend your nights in Granada? Create memories and meet fellow travelers from all over the world with this Pub Crawl in Granada.

Avant de vous rendre

- 3 Bars

- 3 Shots

- Unlimited Sangria

-Extra drinks

-Your Falafel sandwich to soak in the booze.

Pour les vrais Backpackers

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Tu cherches une auberge de jeunesse? Ou tu as besoin d'aide? N’hésites pas...Book Best Hostel in Granada'ai besoin d'aideéserverTransaction 100% SSL sécuritaire. Il est payant de réserver directement à partir de l'auberge!Please wait while we gather secure information from the hostel you have requested...Aw, c'est bon. C'est bouleversant... une réservation directe vous faire économiser de l'argent, mais si ce n'est pas travailler bientôt, fermez ceci et recommencez.Voir détails de l'aubergeTrouver disponibilitéfermerTousChoix