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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.


Les auberges de jeunesse célèbres aident l’Ukraine

Les auberges de jeunesse célèbres aident l’Ukraine

Les impacts de l’invasion russe en Ukraine se font sentir à travers le continent, mais les foyers se mobilisent pour aider les réfugiés. Lisez la suite pour voir comment ils aident et comment vous pouvez en faire partie.

You don’t have to be Ukrainian or have ties to the country to realise these recent events have global impacts. Sure, those in Europe might be the first to feel it, but it won’t take long for the entire globe to catch up. And with the presence of social media, it’s hard to ignore how grave the situation is in Ukraine.

So what exactly is Famous Hostels Helps Ukraine? As hostels, we have something to offer, and that’s the safety and comfort of a room. Almost as soon as the news broke of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, conversations amongst our members started. With the mass exodus of refugees heading to various borders, several of our hostels opened their doors to those in need. This assistance has come in the form of free or heavily discounted accommodation, donation drop off points, and more. To say we’re proud of our members is a massive understatement.

How You Can Help

Keeping yourself informed is great. And making sure you’re consuming accurate news on the topic is even better. We all know the issues caused by fake news. But maybe you’re asking yourself what you can do beyond that.

While many of our hostels have determined it doesn’t matter how this will financially impact them, there are others who simply cannot do so.

So we’ve set up an initiative where you can reserve a bed or a room in any of our hostels and transfer it to a refugee in need. While some of our hostels are offering free accommodation for an indeterminate amount of time, others are struggling having just started to recover from the implications of the pandemic. This is a brilliant way to ensure refugees have a place to stay, and hostels can remain open to continue assisting them.

If you’d like to sponsor a bed or a room, please click ici for a list of hostels and additional information.

Does Your Hostel Want to Join This Initiative?

The more hostels we can gather to join, the better. If your hostel is not part of our association but wants to help, please contact us at [email protected] ou [email protected]

From there, we’ll include you on our resource lists and provide you with any necessary information.

Are you a Ukrainian Refugee in Need?

We have a Google Document with a list of hostels who have opened their doors to those in need. While not all are able to offer open-ended free accommodation, there are heavy discounts applied to your stay. In addition, our hostels are closely connected to refugee centres, shelters, food banks, and other points of assistance in their cities. Do not hesitate to reach out to them for any help.

Click here to access the list of hostels in Europe who can offer shelter.

Les auberges de jeunesse célèbres aident l’Ukraine

We want to commend our members and external partners for stepping up to offer assistance at such a dire time. And we also want to thank those who’ve already sent donations in the form of hygiene products, food, clothes, toys, and cash. The past 2 years have been challenging, but seeing this generosity is a bright light in a dark time.

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