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Chaque auberge impose des normes de l’association, formant une marque qui est approuvée par ceux qui restent avec nous. Clients savent qu’ils trouveront les mêmes niveaux de qualité dans tout le réseau. Chaque ville possède seulement une auberge célèbre et votre séjour dans une auberge célèbre garantit que vous aurez un excellent séjour à prix imbattable.



Hostels vs. Hotels, Episode 3 - Barcelona Ever wondered what the difference is between hostels and hotels? We found two enthusiastic people to head to some of Europe’s coolest destinations to check out and compare the best hostel and a 5 star hotel. And in this episode, we send our hosts to Milan. Wonder what they discovered? Barcelona No matter the season, the sun always shines in Barcelona: the final destination in our, 'Hostels vs. Hotels' series! Tourists flock to this hot destination

A perfect location can take away all the strain of the day and help us to look forward to the challenges on a new day. Warsaw is undoubtedly one of the most fun-filled cities in Poland. Especially, the night life in Warsaw is full of fun and exuberance. It is a party hub for all entertainment freaks. The night clubs in Warsaw form the perfect location for socializing and parties. They present the right atmosphere and offer the perfect facade

Hostels vs. Hotels, Episode 1 - Amsterdam Ever wondered what the difference is between hostels and hotels? We found two enthusiastic people to head to some of Europe's coolest destinations to check out and compare the best hostel and a 5 star hotel. And in this episode, we send our hosts to Amsterdam. Wonder what they discovered? Amsterdam Amsterdam is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, and for a number of reasons. Traveller's flock to the Dutch capital year after year

Vibrant and peppered with ancient and modern wonders, Athens should be a destination on any European getaway. It also doesn’t have to be expensive. If you want to see Athens' major sites book your Walking Tour and be amazed with the wonders of this city! Check out our guide to 5 Things To Do in Athens on a Budget. 1. Free Weekend Tours in Athens Yes free! The city is kind enough to organise weekend tours of sites of interest, with expert tour guides

What does Erasmus + mean? What is it? How does it work? What is the difference between Erasmus and Erasmus plus? We understand that it may be all confusing. Stick with us and we might just be able to help you to discover the top 5 places for an Erasmus + Internship in Europe. Erasmus + is an amazing way for a first living abroad experience around Europe and work part time in fun and exciting industries. Explore new cultures, meet

Top 10 Most Instagrammable Spots in Milan Blog post by: @patrisjo on behalf of Checkout.note by Famous Hostels. Planning a holiday to the notoriously fashionable Milan, and on the hunt for its most Instagrammable spots? Check our Top 10 Most Instagrammable Spots in Milan and discover where you and your camera will shine in this gorgeous destination! Known as one of the fashion capitals of the world, Milan is nothing less than an iconic city dripping in luxury and vibrant architecture. There’s a reason

The Northern Alps tend to get most of the attention in France when it comes to skiing. But skiing near Nice in the southern Alps offers many hidden gems.   For one, the weather tends to be much better, and the conditions warmer. There’s none of that freezing to death in January, stuck on a chairlift at -20, wondering why in God’s name you would actually be paying for the experience, so common in the Northern Alps. Instead, skiing in the Southern

Seville has all the great things Madrid and Barcelona have been trying to leave behind for decades - siestas, bullfights, tapas, flamenco - and it is incredibly sexy and beautiful for it. A city where people are united by tapas and divided by football and where the ghosts of Spain walk the streets, be they fictional, like Don Juan and Carmen or historical, like Cervantes and Columbus. Winding your way through the narrow streets gives you the feeling of being in

48 Hours in Munich Munich is Germany's 3rd largest city, but you can see all the top sights, even if you only have 48 hours. Munich is the capital of Bavaria, and is an exciting city for anyone who visits. And if you've travelled to other parts of the country, you'll notice a huge difference between other typical German cities and Munich. Famous for its gorgeous architecture, the renowned Oktoberfest, and several museums and landmarks, you'll have tons to see and do

Whether you would enjoy your nightlife in Marseille at a budget or not would depend on where you go. The options you have at your discretion are nightclubs, bars, gar bars, clubs, live music scenes, blues or jazz shows, cafes and café cum bars.The ambience can get very groovy with people from various walks of life let their hair down. As a tourist, you would have one of the most amazing experiences if you can catch this face of the

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