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St Christopher's Village

Best hostel in London, United Kingdom

from 18€ per night 76% satisfaction rate out of 2491 reviews

St Christopher's Village, London Bridge is already a famous hostel bar in London. Located on Borough High Street, our favourite hostel in London offers fantastic amenities for price and location. At Belushi's bar downstairs, you’ll find live DJ sets, big TVs, and projectors for live sports screenings, along with great drink deals, tasty food, and international parties. St. Christopher's Inn London Bridge (A.K.A. The Village) is the place to be in the city if you like to party and meet new...

Amazing central location

In-house bar


다음에 어디... from London 진짜 배낭에 대 한 완벽 한-다른 목적지를 탐험...


London calling! One of the busiest cities in Europe, London welcomes travellers to explore its various scenes year after year. And it doesn't matter what your interests are: this city has something that will excite you!

For those interest in history, you have options a plenty in the British capital. Top historical spots and landmarks include the Tower of London, The British Museum, Buckingham Palace, and Westminster Abbey, just to name a few.

If you want to get into the what makes London so great, spend some time in cool neighbourhoods like Shoreditch, Brixton, and Greenwich. Alternatively, you can relax in one of its many great parks. Local favourites include Hampstead Heath, Clapham Common, Hyde Park, and Kensington Park Gardens.

Get in on the action and discover London!

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