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Best Pub Crawl In Bruges

Location: Bruges Length: 1:45h Needed: Legal age and party mood Language: English, Spanish

Meilleure auberge en ville !Set in four adjoined Brugean step-gabled houses, you'll fall in love with the Bauhaus charm. And home to one of the most popular bars in Bruges with over 50 Belgian beers, the social aspect at Bauhaus Hostel is perfect for the solo or social traveller.

Looking for the best way to spend your nights in Bruges? Create memories and meet fellow travelers from all over the world with this Pub Crawl in Bruges


Despite the crowds prevailing in the narrow, cobbled streets, it is hard to resist the candy charm of “Flemish Venice”. The medieval old town crisscrossed with canals, stone bridges, and colourful facades of houses creates a truly fairy-tale atmosphere, making Bruges a perfect destination for travellers. Canals, cobblestone streets, swans, sweet delicacies, and beer pubs – this is Bruges in a nutshell.

“Why should I join this specific Pub Crawl?”

1. It is free!

What can be better than exploring nightlife in a new city? Only doing it for free during our Pub Crawl in Bruges! Additionally, you will get a ticket for a complementary beer in a local pub. And if you want to make your trip on a budget as much as possible, then check out accommodation options at Bauhaus Hostel in Bruges.

2. Meeting new people

During this Pub Crawl, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people and make friends with them.

3. It is so much fun!

“Fascinating history of Bruges + experienced guides + alcoholic drinks”: it is our formula to have fun!

“What is special about this specific Pub Crawl?”

Bruges will appeal to everyone who likes to explore charming medieval towns and cozy pub gatherings. For example, excellent quality chocolate, which you can drink or eat in boutiques and patisseries, brings comfort, as well as beer, which in Belgium definitely reigns among drinks.

Walking around the city, you will come across tempting street food in the form of fragrant waffles with speculoos cream or chocolate, or hot fries with mayonnaise. At street stalls, especially near the main square, market or harbour, fresh oysters are sold with a glass of cold white wine.

Pub Crawl in Bruges is a great chance to enjoy the city’s history while enjoying a few drinks. In Bruges, you can find various bars that offer local beer. In the bar menus, it is worth looking for such species as Flemish Red Ale, Strong Golden Ale, lambik, kriek or Trappist beers – each of them has a special glass that allows you to preserve its properties and emphasize the taste. The medieval atmosphere of the city makes this experience even more magical. Alongside your drinks, you should also sample famous Belgian snacks such as waffles and “frites”. If you come to Bruges you should try fresh fries with mayonnaise from “het frietkot”.

Except for bars and restaurants, Bruges also offers a decent choice of nightclubs: De Coulissen Brugge, The Night Bites, Club D, Factor Club, Beerpaleis, etc.

“When and where’s the meeting point for this Pub Crawl in Bruges?”

The meeting point is the main square (Markt) of Bruges. Find the guide with the red umbrella in front of the statue.

What else do you need to know?

You may wonder how come this amazing activity is free. We truly want to let everyone enjoy this experience which is why we do our best to provide travelers with offers like this. There are a lot of things you can do in Bruges but Pub Crawl is definitely one of the best. J’ai

t’s worth a try because it’s enough to leave the most popular streets to immerse yourself in this atmospheric corner of Belgium. The medieval town, with an original layout of streets, preserved districts of stone houses, and colorful tenement houses, makes a fairy-tale impression.

To discover more about nightlife in Bruges click ici.


Check out the best hostel in Bruges ici.

One of the popular places to stay for young travellers in Bruges is Bauhaus Hostel, perfectly located in the center of the city. It offers all the amenities you may need, and the prices are reasonable. It is a perfect place to meet like-minded travellers! You couldn’t make a better choice for your stay in Bruges!

Où nous serons...

We are meeting at Markt Square, Bruges

Avant de vous rendre

Market square

Bursary square

Jan Van Eyck square

Ghost House

Golden Hand canal

Jerusalem Church

St John's Mill

Pour les vrais Backpackers

Dormir avec classe, peu importe où...

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