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Best Walking Tour in Prague

Localisation : Prague Durée : 3 heures Needed: Electronic voucher Langue : anglais

Meilleure auberge en ville !Heralded as a top hostel in Prague, you won't want to stay anywhere else. Known for its chic design, comfort, and cool vibe, it's easy to see what makes Czech Inn so great.

Prague is a very magical city in the center of Europe and a welcoming and safe capital where you will find a lot of attractions to visit. You’ll discover a lot of monuments full of history and art, fun attractions, cultural events, and, one of the best nightlife. Try now the best walking tour in Prague!

Best Walking tour in Prague



The Dancing House















The walking tour starts in Wenceslas Square, the old area of the city. In the first part, you’ll discover one of the favorite monuments of tourists: the Dancing House.

The Dancing House is a very important attraction in Prague. It’s a very peculiar house that has curves that remind two dancing figures, and for this reason, is called in this way. One of the two towers of the Dancing House seems like a woman’s body with a skirt. It is called by locals the “drunk house”, due to its undulating shape. This attraction is the most photographed in Prague. If you love taking pictures, don’t miss the top 8 Instagram spots in Prague!

It’s a seven-story house that hosts different offices and departments. You can reach the seventh floor of the building and enjoy the amazing view of the city.

The urban area that hosts the Dancing House has a strong historical meaning, as it was bombed in 1945. The guide will explain the reconstruction stages of the square and the house.


Horloge astronomique


Astronomical clock













Then you will go to Old Town Square, the most famous place in the city, where you can see the 15th-century Astronomical Clock. It’s one of the oldest astronomical clocks in the world, and also the best-known in Europe. In addition, the clock is still in operation. This clock is a medieval masterpiece, built in 1410, and it was used by locals to check the time and the calendar data. In fact, at the bottom, there is a calendar with illustrations of every month of the year and also of the festive days.

The clock consists of four mechanisms that move at the same time: there is a zodiac ring, a rotating ring, and two hands with the symbol of the Moon and of the Sun. Every sixty minutes, the clock delivers a show that surely you won’t forget! There will be a lot of tourists waiting for this moment.


Malà Strana and St. Vitus Cathedral

Then the walking tour continues to other two important places in the city.

Malà Strana is a small district of Prague, which name means “Little area”. This area was destroyed hundreds of years ago and then rebuilt by Italian architects with a Baroque and Renaissance style. In this district, you will see splendid palaces, small squares, and old houses, and you’ll breathe a magical and romantic atmosphere.


St. Vitus Cathedral is the largest and most beautiful church in Prague. This church is the best example of Gothic architecture, and it’s located in the Prague Castle area. The most famous part of the cathedral is the Wenceslas Chapel, where coronation ceremonies were held. Here you’ll still find the crown jewels and some precious stones. You can climb the tower of the cathedral (only three hundred steps!) and from the top, you can enjoy the most beautiful view of the city.


Walking tour through Charles Bridge


Then you’ll move with your guide to the famous Charles Bridge.

Charles Bridge is the oldest and most important bridge in Prague. It’s a must if you’re visiting the city on a walking tour! This bridge is a very popular place in Prague, and it’s difficult to cross it due to the large number of tourists. Its popularity it’s due to its architectural beauty, peculiarity, and history. It connected the old town of the city with the castle. The guide will tell you many secrets and legends about this famous place.

Along the bridge, there are more than 30 statues in the Baroque style that represent many different saints. Most of them are copies of the real ones, kept in the National Museum of the city.



In the last part of the best walking tour in Prague, you’ll discover the Clementinum, a vast complex of buildings located near the Charles Bridge. The Clementinum is home to the Baroque Library, which is considered one of the best-preserved libraries in Europe. In the library, you can see a great collection of works and very ancient books.

Inside the area of the Clementinum, you’ll also visit the Astronomical Tower and the Chapel of Mirrors. In the Chapel, you can admire the real musical instrument played by Mozart, a true genius of music. If you love music, you can’t miss the Drum and Bass festival in Prague!

The walking tour of Prague ends here, hope you’ll enjoy it and have a great time!





Où nous serons...

The tour starts in Wenceslas Square, the old area of the city.

Avant de vous rendre

English-speaking guide

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