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Best hostel in Trieste, Italy

from 18€ per night 80% satisfaction rate out of 538 reviews

Curious to explore the northeastern side of Italy? Trieste is the perfect city for that, and here's more - Hotello is the ideal hostel to stay!Conveniently located, Hotello allows easy walking access to every corner of Trieste. It will take you only up to 10 minutes to reach Unity of Italy Square, Cattedrale di San Giusto Martire, Roman Theatre of Trieste, and other gems of this unique city. It is also very near Molo Audace and Grand Canale.The hostel caters to various preferences and...

Highest Skybar in Trieste

Cafeteria, Beer and Snack Bar

Co-working Area

다음에 어디... from Trieste 진짜 배낭에 대 한 완벽 한-다른 목적지를 탐험...


If you're heading to the northeastern side of Italy, don't miss out on Trieste - you will be surprised by what it has to offer!

Surrounded by Slovenia, Croatia, and Austria, it has a very interesting and unique history. A lot of historical cafes have been preserved in the city. Try out at least one of them - Caffè San Marco, Caffè degli Specchi, Caffè Tommaseo, or Antico Caffè Torinese.

We can assure you will be amazed by the stunning architecture of Trieste. Head to the main square of Trieste - Piazza Unità d’Italia. On the way enjoy beautiful Canal Grande and Via del Teatro Roman ruins just a few steps away. For the best panoramic view of the city, we recommend going uphill to Castello di San Giusto.

Trieste is not the most popular destination compared to other Europe cities. But believe us, you will be more than pleasantly surprised, and we don't doubt you will want to come back again.

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