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34 Ways to Be a Sustainable Traveller Finally planning that long-awaited backpacking trip but want to be a sustainable traveller? No matter where you travel in the world, there's ways you can do this. Check out our tips below on how you can do that! Travelling has truly never been more accessible. And as you've probably heard before, it's one of the most fulfilling things you can do for yourself. Being surrounded by new cultures, meeting new friends, and seeing the things

The 7 Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Barcelona Planning a holiday in sunny Barcelona, but wondering where to dine as a vegetarian? Barcelona is full of mouth-watering spots you shouldn't miss out on, and we're going to show you where to find the Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Barcelona. Being vegetarian and travelling Europe is getting easier by the minute. Gone are the days of vegetarians being considered 'hippies'. The diet is becoming more the norm as people wake up to the realities of

Famous Hostels Helps Ukraine The impacts of the Russian invasion in Ukraine are being felt across the continent, but hostels are stepping up to assist refugees. Read on to see how they're helping, and how you can be part of it. You don't have to be Ukrainian or have ties to the country to realise these recent events have global impacts. Sure, those in Europe might be the first to feel it, but it won't take long for the entire globe to

June is LGBT Pride Month - a month dedicated to celebrating all the LGBTQ+ community around the world. Here are our Top 7 Pride Parades where you can be loud & proud in Europe!   What does Pride Parade actually mean? Pride Parades, Gay Pride, also called LGBT Pride is an annual celebration, usually in June, of queer identities in general. Brenda Howard, was responsible for the name "Pride", she was a bisexual New York activist, besides, "Mother of Pride" was her nickname since

Fun Activities in Leipzig Just got to Leipzig and wondering what to do? Feeling a bit overwhelmed and don't know what to do yet? Don't worry, we got you! Five Elements Hostel offers plenty of regular events for you to join! Leipzig is a wonderful place to discover with loads of fun activities waiting for you! Leipzig activities a) Walking Tour We are big believers that the best way to explore a new city is by walking. That way, you can see main city

A great area to go out and get silly in the bars and clubs in Copenhagen is Kødbyen, the old meat packing district. Book your Pubcrawl Tour in Copenhagen with us and experience the local bars with free drinks and VIP entrance! Here you'll find some of the city's best galleries and best bars, clubs, and wine bars. Together with the restaurants that are popping up in and around the area, Kødbyen has more entertainment than there are nights in the week. But

Hostel Love Stories to Inspire You to Travel Ever hear of a couple whose story started in a hostel? We're bringing you some of our favourite love stories that started in some of our Famous Hostel locations! What's your dream scenario for meeting that special someone? For those with an adventurous soul, meeting them while travelling is likely high on that list. At one point or another, we've all probably dreamt up a rom-com scenario where you make eye-contact with a local

After a day spent enjoying the rich cultural and historical riches of Bratislava, you probably would want to unwind at a local Slovak restaurant and enjoy a drink while nibbling away at some buchty. As the sun sets and drapes the horizon in majestic hues, you would probably want to put on your dancing shoes or want to rub elbows with many of the locals and visitors who find their way to this amazing imperial city. If you want to

Are you planning a solo trip and need some ideas on how to travel alone? Check out the ultimate solo travel guide for tips you will certainly enjoy!   1. Organization is not a must-have You probably already have some destinations in mind if you are considering traveling solo, and it is always good to have some things planned ahead. But an important thing to keep in mind is that, if you ever get bored or find new places you want to visit,

Top 10 Instagram Spots in Paris Heading to beautiful Paris and looking for the best Instagram spots? Then be sure to read our guide so you don't miss those picture-perfect spots for the gram! Blog post by: @entreseiscontinentes on behalf of Checkout.note by Famous Hostels. Being one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, Paris is full of Instagram hot spots. At virtually every corner, you'll find gorgeous backdrops, gardens, bridges and monuments that are as dreamy as they are visually appealing. But

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