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Best Pub Crawl in Naples

Location: Napoli Length: 2:15h Needed: Legal age and party mood Language: English, Spanish

Meilleure auberge en ville !Ostello Bello Napoli - the perfect hostel for those of you wanting to truly experience the dynamic and full-of-life city of Naples. We are located two steps from Via Toledo, Naples’ most popular shopping destination, which means you'll have easy access to the entire city and its amazing atmosphere.

Looking for the best way to spend your nights in Naples? Create memories and meet fellow travellers from all over the world with this Pub Crawl in Naples.


“Why should I go on Pub Crawl in Naples?”

Naples is a Mediterranean paradise in southern Italy that has a significant history in relation to Hellenistic culture. The beautiful coastal land is surrounded by magnificent mountain landscapes and iconic ruins that only add more charm. There is no denying that Naples is a vibrant city, full of life, energy and a warm spirit.
Bars, clubs and discotheques of Naples will surprise even the most ardent partygoers with their diversity. That’s why joining Pub Crawl in Naples is the best way to explore the city and immerse yourself in local Italian culture.


“What is special about this specific Pub Crawl?”

The capital of the Campania region and one of the largest cities in southern Italy, Naples is not only famous to be the home of Neapolitan pizza but also for having a very lively nightlife. Nightlife options include bars, pubs and nightclubs where you can enjoy a good drink and some nice music.

Naples’ nightlife is happening mostly outdoors, both on weekends and during the week, especially in the many small bars and nightclubs where locals meet friends for a beer or spritz. Travellers looking for a quiet evening after an active day exploring Naples may be astonished – the city is as busy at night as it is during the day. But this is great news for those who want to party until dawn! Unrestrained, noisy and full of true passion for life, a night out in Naples reveals the city that is happy just the way it is.



“Where to experience nightlife in Naples?”

Neapolitan nightlife stretches from the historic centre of Naples to the Vomero Hill, passing through the small bars of Chiaia to nearby Pozzuoli.

One of Naples’ busiest nightlife spots is Piazza Bellini, full of cafés and bars, perfect for a summer evening outdoors and chatting over a good cocktail. It is crowded even in the middle of the week.
In piazza Bellini, you can buy Aperol for 1 euro. Most people gather at a bar called Cammarota Spritz. There is no better place than this square if you want to talk to the Neapolitans!

The nightclubs in Piazza Bellini offer live music with local artists and are always very crowded and lively on weekends.

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore is also another very popular spot for Neapolitan nightlife.

Here, young people meet to spend a pleasant evening sitting in one of the many bars or in the adjacent alleys, with numerous shops offering exquisite street food. Neapolitan street food is a must-try for everyone visiting the capital of the Campania region.

“When and where’s the meeting point for this Pub Crawl in Naples?”

We are meeting next to Alighieri Statue in Piazza Dante. Look for the guide with a yellow umbrella.


What else do you need to know?

As you may know, you should be really careful while walking the streets of Naples, since there are still Mafia-driven neighbourhoods in the city. However, joining this Pub Crawl is a safe and organized way to explore the city’s nightlife. Our local guide will ensure the best Pub Crawl experience, showing you the best bars in Naples, so you won’t miss a thing! You will definitely see the most beautiful spots in the city, eat the best Italian food, and drink the tastiest traditional drinks.

Naples is famous for its rich culinary and beverage tradition. It is a great opportunity to sample typical Neapolitan drinks, such as limoncello or a classic Neapolitan coffee. These unique flavours reflect the city’s cultural heritage and offer a true taste of Naples.

There are so many things you can do in Naples but Pub Crawl is definitely the best activity to immerse yourself in a local culture. No time to doubt – join our big family of party animals now!


Where to stay

One of the popular places to stay for young travellers in Naples is Ostello Bello. It offers all the amenities you may need, and the prices are reasonable. It is a perfect place to meet like-minded travellers and party animals! You couldn’t make a better choice for your stay in Naples because Ostello Bello Hostel will more than exceed your expectations!

Best Pub Crawl in Naples

We hope you enjoyed our guide to the Best Pub Crawl in Naples. We’re sure you’ll find lots of other great places to spend your time here. However, with this guide, you can be sure you’ll leave with plenty of great memories.

If you need more information to help you plan your time in Naples – or elsewhere – click ici for a range of helpful tips, city guides, food guides, and more. For all the latest news at Famous Hostels, follow us or subscribe on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Où nous serons...

The meeting point is next to Alighieri Statue in Piazza Dante. Look for the guide with a yellow umbrella.

Avant de vous rendre

Piazza Dante

Piazza del Gesù

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore

Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta


Cathedral of Naples, Chapel of St. Januarius

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