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Essayez la cuisine locale et vin au restaurant La Odisea à Malaga !

Length: 1:30
Are you visiting Malaga soon? Then you should definitely visit La Odisea restaurant. La Odisea restaurant has the best local food and the best wines. You will find the restaurant at the foot of the Alcabaza and crossed by the MUPAM, the Heritage Museum.


Alcazaba fortress is one of the main monuments of Malaga, which dates from the 11th century. It is one of the largest Muslim military buildings preserved to this day, not only in Andalusia, but in the whole Spain. Alcazaba was supposed to defend the coasts of Malaga against pirates and other threats and invaders from the sea.


For centuries, the Muslim fortress has been used for various purposes. Among other things, it was an administration office, hospital and prison. Today, the fortress together with the surrounding gardens has been revitalized and houses the Archaeological Museum. It is safe to say that the Alcazaba fortress is a symbol of Malaga and a must see on the list of objects to visit.


La Odisea restaurant is very unique because this restaurant and wine bar is placed in the only house that survived from the legendary Coracha.


La Coracha was one of the most characteristic and ancient quarters of the entire city of Malaga. Today, it almost completely disappeared. La Coracha was located on the southern side of the Alcazaba, between the citadel and the sea, where the old port was positioned in the arabic period. It was a district of Andalusian vernacular architecture, with white houses built on the side of Gibralfaro and constructed of materials from the walls of the citadel itself.


After the demolition in the 90s, it was replaced with stairs and landscape paths, under which La Odisea restaurant is situated.

If you take a look inside, you will be surrounded by surprisingly beautiful decoration, patios with fountains and cute corners in addition to owning a refuge from the war in 1936. The restaurant also has a lovely terrace and an orange tree outside, where you can enjoy your food and wine with a nice view. The restaurant gives a very cozy feeling and the atmosphere is great.


At the restaurant you can enjoy all kinds of local dishes. On top of that you can buy every wine that is produced in the province of Malaga. La Odisea restaurant is the only place dedicated exclusively to Malaga wines. You can try the traditional “Sweet Wines” or try some “Round Reds”.


The traditional Malaga wines are a sweet dessert wines made from dried grapes of Pedro Ximénez and Muscat de Alexandria. Other grape varieties sometimes used are Doradilla, Romé (a rare grape indigenous to the region), and Lairén. Malaga wine has a characteristic syrupy consistency and a sweet aroma that brings to mind the taste of raisins covered with caramel.


There are two basic types of Malaga wine:

– naturally sweet – dulce natural

– sweetened and fortified – licor (liqueur)


Dulce natural sweetness is obtained from grape must with a high sugar content: a minimum of 300 grams in 1 liter. Naturally, sweet Malaga has 13% alcohol.

On the other hand, licor has 15 to 23% alcohol and its strength is achieved by adding the brandy, which is wine distillate. Licor is sweetened with caramelized grape syrup (arrope) – its quantity determines the level of sugar and the color of malaga.


Malaga wine is good for an aperitif as well as for dessert, fruit, nuts, cakes. It will also taste very well when it is served dried ham, baked seafood or popular tapas.


You will be amazed by the deli food and also all the different wines of different regions of Malaga that La Odisea offers.


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