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Paris Food Guide

Paris Food Guide

Travelling to Paris and wondering where and what to eat? The French capital is one of the hottest foodie destinations in Europe, and we’ll show you why with our Paris Food Guide!

Paris is a notoriously expensive city, but you can still enjoy amazing food here, even on a budget. There’s plenty of tasty and affordable meals whether you’re looking for something traditionally French, or something a little more exotic. To help you narrow down your gastronomical options while visiting the City of Lights, we’ve created the Paris Food Guide! Read on to see what tasty delights await you in the french capital.

Paris Food Guide

Paris Food Guide

General Tips

Like any well visited city, it’s best to avoid restaurants near main stations or tourist attractions when in Parigi. These places are generally more expensive and hardly even close to quality. You can eat delicious, inexpensive meals a short distance from where all the action is taking place, without feeling ripped off. If you want to stretch your budget, we recommend making lunch your main meal of the day. Generally speaking, the prices are usually lower, but with the same quality and quantity.

We want you to have an amazing culinary experience in the French capital, so do the legwork and don’t settle for the first, or most convenient, place you see!

Paris Food Guide - Cafes

Paris Food Guide – Cafes


There’s a patisserie on literally every corner of the city, so just let your nose guide you towards the sweet smells! Parisian treats are inexpensive, including brioche, bread, croissant, and Pain au Chocolat; a croissant with dark chocolate in the middle. Try out Du Pain et des Idees in the 10th arrondissement. Of course this is our first tip in our Paris Food Guide,

Ethnic Foods

You can eat cuisine from all over the world in Paris. France has a strong Arabic influence which has extended to the cuisine, in turn offering one of the best food bargains. Dining at Moroccan or Lebanese restaurants is highly recommended. For something truly Franco-Algerian, try out Zerda Cafe on rue René Boulanger.


A very worthy mention on our Paris Food Guide. This is a great and cheap option for vegetarians! You can have something savoury, or something sweet. Whatever you prefer! We recommend La Drougerie du Maris for a delicious treat! If you’re looking for more information on sweet treats in Paris, click qui.

Paris Food Guide - Crêpes

Paris Food Guide – Crêpes

French Brasseries & Bistros

Since you’re in France, you might as well enjoy a traditional French meal! Café de L’Industrie is a great spot to taste test some of the best dishes in the French kitchen! For another budget friendly option with a romantic atmosphere, you can try Bistrot Victoires. And you’ll find plenty of these amazing places in Montmartre ed St. Germaine.

Paris Food Guide - Brasseries

Paris Food Guide – Brasseries

Picnic with Market Foods

Paris has exceptional food markets, and you should definitely take advantage of them! The Marché Beauvau – Marché d’Aligre is open 6 days a week and offers tons of local, fresh produce. Fill up your basket and have a picnic in one of the many parks in Paris! Other great spots include the Torre Eiffel and essentially anywhere along the river. For Sunday markets, we recommend checking the ones out on the Rue des Pyrénées. This is one of our fav mentions on our Paris Food Guide.

Paris Food Guide Picnic

Paris Food Guide Picnic

Set Menu Restaurants

You should always be on the look out for set menus. It’s a great option if you have a big appetite and don’t want to spend too much. They’re usually posted outside restaurants, and offer three course meals for a set price. The variety of dishes is limited but you’ll save cash and enjoy a good meal. We recommend Canard Street for a budget friendly option if you’re curious about set menu restaurants!

Paris Food Guide - Set Menu Restaurants

Paris Food Guide – Set Menu Restaurants

Where to Stay in Paris

Our top recommendation for accommodation in Paris is St. Christopher’s Inn. With two fully equipped locations, they’re the perfect guests in Paris. Enjoy exclusive discounts at their restaurants and bar, participate in a range of their free activities, and sleep soundly when you’re a guest at St. Christopher’s.

St. Christophers Inn on the Canal

St. Christophers Inn on the Canal

Paris Food Guide

This city is a culinary wonder and we hope you’ve enjoyed our tips in the Paris Food Guide! From breakfast until late dinner, your tastebuds will experience the quality of Paris’s notoriously delicious cuisine. Bon Appetite!

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