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Cada albergue mantiene los estándares de la asociación, la formación de una marca que sea de confianza para los que se quedan con nosotros. Los clientes saben que van a encontrar los mismos niveles de calidad en toda la red. Cada ciudad tiene un solo albergue, famoso y alojarse en un famoso Hostel garantiza que tendrá una gran estancia en un valor inigualable.

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IR hacia arriba

cumbre del Schilthorn

After a short trip of just 32 minutes by aerial cable way you reach the summit of the Schilthorn at 2970 meters above sea level. Marvel at the most spectacular panorama in the Alps: Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau – this is the Swiss Skyline.
At the top of Schilthorn you will find the Piz Gloria restaurant,the famous restaurant used in the James Bond film “On Her Majesty ‘s Secret Service” . The restaurant completes one revolution in 55 minutes and serves delicious meals. You can even go up for a romantic champagne brunch.
You can also challenge yourself on The THRILL WALK. It leads down into the vertical walls of the imposing rock massif. Visitors walk along a 200-metre cliff pathway under Birg cable way station. A spine-tingling mountain experience of superlatives!
Access to the village of Mürren and the Schilthorn summit is impossible by road. To get there from the valley, take a series of cable cars, the first from Stechelberg to reach Gimmelwald and Mürren. Since Mürren’s second cable leads to Birg, the third one reaches Schilthorn.
Another way to reach Mürren is to take the cable car from Lauterbrunnen up to Grütschalp and then the train to Mürren or a 1-hour easy hike with majestic views.
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