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Anne Frank Museum Guide

Anne Frank Museum Guide

Planning on visiting the Anne Frank Museum while in Amsterdam? Then be sure to read our post to get the best tips and some background information before you go!

Amsterdam is home to many wonderful museums, but one of the most important to visit is the Anne Frank Museum. This museum is an absolute must visit, and is one of the most sobering and humbling experiences one can have. It is truly an emotional experience, especially if one has knowledge of Anne Frank’s famous diary beforehand. To help you prepare, we’ve created our own Anne Frank Museum Guide to help you get the most out of your experience.

Anne Frank Museum Guide

Anne Frank Museum Guide

About Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt in 1929. At the age of 4, the Nazis took control of Germany and Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam. Nazi activity kept the family in Amsterdam, and forced them into hiding in 1942. Anne and her family, as well as another family, lived in a secret, tiny room behind a building her father owned. While there, she kept a diary of her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944.

Sadly, in 1944, she and her family were discovered and were taken to concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot were transferred from Auschwitz to Bergen Belsen where they died a few months later. Her father Otto was the only family member to survive, and later published her diary, The Diary of Anne Frank.

Museo di Anna Frank

Anne Frank

Opening Hours & Prices

This is one of the most visited museums in Amsterdam. Millions of people from all over the world visit annually, so planning your trip is important. From 01.04-01.11 it’s open from 9am-11pm, and from 01.11-01-04, it’s open from 9am-7pm. Entrance is 10,50€, but some discounts apply. Please be aware you must buy your ticket online before arrival.

The Annex

A total of 8 people lived in this tiny annex for just over two years. The cramped quarters will certainly emphasise how difficult it must have been to live under those conditions. The rooms are filled with personal objects, just as they were left in 1944. You enter the annex from a bookcase which concealed the living space.

Anne shared a room with Fritz Pfeffer, who was also in hiding. Despite the gravity of the atmosphere, her room walls are filled with cheery images, which likely filled her with hope in dark times.

Other rooms to see in the annex include the family’s kitchen, and other sleeping rooms. Accessibility to this area is limited however, as it’s located up a narrow set of stairs.

Diary Room

Here you can see an exhibition dedicated to the young girl, as well as some of her original diary pages. Aside from her diary, she also kept a book of her favourite quotes, and one where she wrote short stories. Both are also on display here.

Where to Stay in Amsterdam

Our top recommendation in Amsterdam is Flying Pig Hostel Uptown. You’ll feel like family upon arrival! But don’t leave your booking too late as it’s one of the most popular hostels in Amsterdam.

Anne Frank Museum Guide

Il Museo di Anna Frank is a great testament to human hope and perseverance. One can’t help but feel awakened after visiting such a landmark. This museum is definitely a ‘must see’ spot a Amsterdam.

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